Our Objective
- To implement life skills programs amongst people of all ages with a view of building positive personal behavioral change, nurturing godly attitudes, and development of community friendly character traits in the family and in the work place that foster success, progress and excellence in life.
- To network with and give specialized aid and assistance to the recognized Missions and organizations with similar objects.
"The truth you know sets you free"
We dispense our services in the following ways.
- Business Meetings
- Working Camps
- Conferences/Symposia
- Games and sports
- Holiday Clubs
- Jointly Sponsored Events
- Lectures
- Counseling
- Movies
- Outreach Activities
- Round Tables
- Trainings
Clients (Areas of operation)
Our clients include;
Civil Service Organizations (CSO)
Community Based Organizations (CBO)
International Organizations
Government Institutions.
Local government structures
Non Governmental organizations(NGOs)
Primary and National teachers’ Colleges
Primary Schools
Religious Institutions (e.g. Churches, and Para-church organizations)
Secondary schools
Service and Product organizations.
Vocational, Nursing and Business Colleges